Shounen is a genre of Japanese historical comics and animations focused on action-packed plots. This is typically for audiences interested in themes of adolescence with a hint of romantic implication. However, Shounen Anime and Manga have become more and more uniform, sharing certain features and concepts that have proven to be popular in the fan base.
Shounen Anime usually features a character that embodies the “underdog” archetype; these characters have the odds stacked against them, but they use their special abilities to overcome them. Sometimes, these special abilities may seem average when compared to their peers, but a central aspect of the character’s arc is their ability to rise in certain situations. For example, the protagonist’s powers may rise to new heights when the people closest to them–such as their family, friends, and other loved ones– are in danger. This selflessness is a central part of the character that people can resonate with, making characters that fit this archetype fan-favorites.

However, many anime producers exploit the fan-favorite stereotypes excessively, leading to the existence of versions of a similar character across several series. The typical Shounen character is a boy with black hair, black eyes, no friends, and bad grades. Often, they lack a parental figure due to unfortunate circumstances. This stereotype has grown so common that viewers can predict the storyline before it has happened.
However, many watchers find comfort in the Shounen archetype. If a viewer feels insecure about where they belong, they can remind themselves there are people that are suffering just as they are. These instances serve as inspiration for Shounen fans to transcend their circumstances and become extraordinary. Although Shounen stereotypes face some criticism, they also have the capacity to spark hope and ambition for any struggling viewers. For many uninspired people, this could be their saving grace to remember there is more to life than the experience they feel now. Relating to one person, even if that person is a fictional character, can change a life drastically. Having a guide to model one’s personal character development after can be motivating for many individuals.