The Legend of Zelda, that name sounds familiar right? If it sounds like an early 2D game that left its mark on the gaming world forever, then you would be correct. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild came out in 2017, and its impact on video games cannot be understated.

In 2017, the Nintendo Switch was announced simultaneously with the release of the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, or BotW for short. BotW is “open-world,” meaning the player has the ability to travel by choice. All of the Legend of Zelda games have this feature, and the ability to freely roam has attracted players for years. Players are not limited to the options the developers have predicted people to choose- not limited to the concept of what they are “supposed to” do. In fact, Legend of Zelda players are able to skip multiple points in the story because of their unrestricted, free choices. This opens up the experience to exploration and discovery within the realm of the Legend of Zelda games. Obstacles can also be conquered in creative ways: in a Shrine, you exploit the mechanics of freedom the developers have given you. Using certain abilities that were not designed to be used for travel, a player can travel over, or toward, locations that had required the completion of a certain puzzle. A ravine one needs to travel across, for example, could be crossed using a tree stump, a blunt weapon, and an ability given by the developers.

Despite the overall freedom that players are given, one constraint limits them: the mechanic of gravity. In games, gravity presents the risk of breaking items or a player receiving fall damage. This game, however, takes it a step further, allowing gravity to be an element to use rather than a hazard to avoid. A player can utilize a wall of blocks to defeat the enemy by dropping blocks on them.
Shrines are the game’s “labyrinths” full of puzzles, treasures, and mysterious characters with mystical riches. When adventuring, finding the Shrine is the hard part, while entering is easier. In a whole world to explore, the places Shrines are located vary greatly. It could be easy to spot: for example, directly on a bridge, glowing at night. It could be hidden or concealed, like in a mountain of snow or hidden in a forest. It could even be seemingly inaccessible, like an island impossible to reach by swimming, a mountain with no places to rest, or a Shrine covered with enemies, not giving you a chance to breathe.

What is it like to play BotW? Well, the storyline gives you Main Story Quests right away. But after a certain point, there is a gap in the quests. One quest states your ultimate goal: Defeat Calamity Ganon. There are many, many scary enemies around Hyrule Castle that complicate this journey. Even though this is not a horror game, new players are still daunted by facing the enemy at full force– and the soundtrack only adds to the panic! The treasures offered by the challenges in the Shrines offer the player the strength necessary to embark on even more adventures! And speaking of treasures, the Shrines ultimate treasure is what players need to regain their original strength.

The unique factor of freedom of choice in this game presents infinite opportunities to seize. Purchasing Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is recommended to anyone interested in adventure and exploration!