Many male studeents who attend St. Thomas wear cologne, but the question is “what cologne is the most worn?” When choosing a signature scent, it is important to ask, is this cologne versatile and appropriate for daily use; how is this scent unique to me; does this cologne apply to my personal style; and so on. Opinions differ; however, there are a few scents most recognized by the student population.

STA junior, Daylen Scott, shares “I wear different types of cologne depending on the weather; however, I mostly use Jean Paul Gaultier Le Parfum.’’ Jean Paul Gaultier Le Parfum is a woody and winter fragrance. This scent has significantly grown in popularity due to its discussion on TikTok. Social Media has popularized the scent so much that it has become the 7th most purchased fragrance in the United States.

There are two main types of fragrance, clean and fresh or warm and spicy. A popular fresh and clean fragrance is YSL Eau de Parfum. Sophomore, Omar Gonzalez, said, “I mainly wear YSL for a school day. I like it because it’s fresh and makes me smell clean.” YSL Eau de Parfum is widely considered one of the best versatile fragrances sold. The top notes are apple, ginger, and amber wood. YSL is recommended to buy for daily use, flexibility, and amazing smell.

One fragrance that is widely worn but not as popular is Valentino Uomo Born in Roma. Unlike the previous French fragrances, Valentino is an Italian-made fragrance house. Born in Roma is a uniquely scented cologne; however, it is divisive. Some adore the cologne, while others particularly dislike it. It is recommended to smell it first before buying it. STA sophomore Christian Merren says, “I wear Valentino Born in Roma every day. It’s pretty strong so I only wear a little. A lot of my friends sometimes complain that it’s too strong, but others like it.”
There are many colognes to choose from. But when choosing a cologne it is important to note several St. Thomas students recommend YSL Eau de Parfum as a great option for daily use.