On August 31, STA’s inquisitive minds gathered in the first ever Psychology Club meeting, sparking the interest of many curious students.
Officers Anastasia Koretskaya and Gabi Hurtado started the meeting by clarifying a common misconception– no, this was not the Mental Health Club. Instead, the Psychology Club intends to meet to discuss the science of psychology and possible career options its enthusiasts should consider. After the meeting, Raider Review staff sat down for an interview with the moderator of the brand new club, Mrs. Basi. When asked what drove her to create this club, she said that it was mostly the interest of the student body: “I [have been] approached by students over the years since I’ve been teaching here, but the focus has always been a mental health club, which is not something we can do. Finally, Anastasia and Gabi got this going, and we were vigilant in getting this approved by administration, so the club’s focus is very academic and […] there’s a service-project focus.”
Aside from appreciation for the field of psychology, the club also dedicates itself to service projects. They commemorated September as Brain Aneurysm Awareness Month. In addition, they held a drive for toiletries and clothing for the healthcare system for veterans in Miami from September 19th through 29th. Next up for the Psychology Club is the Walk to End Alzheimer’s on November 18 at NSU. This opportunity is not only for an important cause, but also provides service hours for students willing to participate.
Mrs. Basi, the club’s moderator and STA’s AP Psychology teacher, was very enthusiastic about its launch and the impressive turnout. She passionately said, “I’m really looking forward to everything–to really see how these amazing young ladies are laying the groundwork for this club to stay in power, to leave it as a legacy for other kids […] We’ve had such a great response as you can see; we had sixty or seventy kids in here.” She asserts that psychology and behavioral study has always been of great interest to teenagers, making it an enjoyable subject to teach.
If you are interested in joining the Psychology Club or participating in any of the service projects, consider checking out @sta.psychologyclub on Instagram. If you like what you see, text @7hbeee2 to 81080 to receive updates on meetings, service opportunities, and more.