Nickarlens Dupervil
Two members of Helping Hearts.
Why is joining a club at STA beneficial? One reason is the success you’re building for yourself and your future. Joining clubs is crucial during high school, as it builds character and new skills that can increase your chances for success. Participating in clubs involves new experiences while gaining other peoples’ outlooks and perspectives. In clubs, you are able to get involved in new opportunities and develop personal growth. It has been proven that participating in clubs at STA is beneficial because it increases school involvement, expanding your college resume. St. Thomas Aquinas offers over 42 different club and activity opportunities for you to review and choose from like Aquinas Kindness, STA Serves, and Rowdy Raiders.

Enhanced Social Skills:
Do you have an interest in sports? Check out the Sports Management Club! Have an interest in animals? Join the PAWS Club! As you can see, St. Thomas Aquinas offers something for everyone. Clubs reinforce valuable skills such as socialization, communication, expression of your own ideas and listening to your peers’ ideas. At STA, teamwork is emphasized in both sports and extracurriculars. By collaborating with peers and working together as a team, you increase social skills and build new friendships. Clubs at school also give you a chance to surround yourself with a diverse group of people that have the same interests and goals as you.
Personal Growth:
Stepping into a leadership role is important when building your resume and developing as an individual. One skill that you can learn along the way is time management. Managing time for clubs is important for your school life. Balancing school, sports, and clubs can be overwhelming, but it teaches you a valuable lesson about maturity and independence. Additionally, setting a good example for incoming members that want to be part of STA’s clubs is important. Being a leader of a school club has many responsibilities, but it also brings opportunities for growth and leaving a positive legacy at STA.

Interest and Passion:
There are many diverse options of clubs at STA that allow for students to explore many different avenues. In the journey of finding your niche, you will develop new passions and hobbies that you can take with you for your future. New hobbies can also point towards a career you may pursue later in life. Along with the skills you pick up, your passion will help you get into top colleges and jobs.
Building a Stronger Community:
At STA, clubs are all about collaboration and helping others, which can benefit not only yourself but also those around you. Being involved in community service projects can enrich your high school years with selflessness and faith in action. Participating in community service requires time and dedication to the community. Having empathy for students is a crucial skill both inside and outside of STA clubs. It is integral in your interpersonal relationships and teamwork, important aspects of being a part of an organization or community. Communicating love and respect for others is a pivotal part of STA’s Catholic beliefs, which is applied in service to others. A well- rounded education involves learning in the classroom and applying your knowledge outside the classroom in your extracurriculars. Enhancing your community, social skills, growth, and knowledge are just some of the benefits of joining STA clubs.

Aquinas Kindness
Art Club
Booster Club
C.A.R.E Club
Career Seekers
Creative Writing
Dance Company
Digital Photography
Eden Biodiversity
ECO Raiders
Fellowship of Christians
French Club
Fresh Start
Future Healthcare Professionals
Girl Tech
Helping Hearts
Interact Club
Italian Club
Lima Charlie
Marine Bio
Mock Trial
Model UN
Paws x Saving Tails
Psychology Club
Raiders 4 Autism
Raider Review
Rowdy Raiders
Spanish Club
Special Olympics
Sports Management
STA Brainiacs
STA Players
STA Serves
Women of Tomorrow
Young at Heart