It’s one week away from Easter, and STA is offering an amazing opportunity to its students who want to arrange a confession with our wonderful priest, Fr. Celsus Auguiste. Lent is an important time of preparation in which the practices of prayers, fasting and almsgiving are prominent. STA recognizes the significance of Lent in the Easter season and has provided services for its students. In observation of the Lenten season, it is crucial for students to have access to the resources they may need during their preparation for the coming of Easter. During this week, students who wish to receive the sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation have the opportunity of reaching out to their theology teachers or the resident priest, Fr. Auguiste.
Information Regarding Confessions
As we prepare for the season of Lent, this period of observance is important for practicing Catholics and Christians who wish to strengthen their faith. The opportunity of Penance was offered on Monday and Tuesday for all students who wanted to visit Fr. Auguiste during their theology periods. Students who want to meet with Fr. Auguiste regarding their own faith journey or to receive the sacrament can email their theology teachers directly or Fr. Auguiste through his email, [email protected]. Due to his mass schedule, the days being offered to receive Penance and Reconciliation are subject to change depending on various occasions being celebrated for both Catholics and Christians during the season of Lent. Please reach out to your theology teachers if you need guidance during this Lenten season or if you wish to arrange a meeting with Fr. Auguiste.