Catholic Schools Week was celebrated at STA and other Catholic schools across the nation from January 28 to February 3, 2024. According to the National Catholic Educational Association, “Schools typically observe the week with Masses, assemblies and other activities for students, families, parishioners and community members to celebrate what makes Catholic schools great.” The week is a time to celebrate and recognize the unique opportunities that come with a Catholic education.
At STA, Catholic Schools Week was kicked off on Monday January 29, with a mass led by STA class of 1980 alumni, Monsieur Michael Souckar. Additionally, members of Leadership classes observed the time-honored tradition to come together and decorate various doors around the school. Leadership student, Junior Sophia Torrens said “The junior leadership classes worked in groups to decorate doors for CSW that incorporated unity in faith and community through the design, and a Bible verse. To me, the purpose of CSW is to show our faith within St. Thomas Aquinas, and to show our love for our community. My favorite part of the week is being able to go to mass and pray with my friends and my classmates.”
The rest of the week featured many other events such as ADOM Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral and Campus Ministry Faculty/Staff Lunch for “Celebrating US Catholic Schools”, sweet treats at lunches for “Celebrating STA Vocations”, and Faculty/Staff Coffee Cart & Breakfast for “Celebrating STA Faculty, Staff, Volunteers/Parents.”
The annual observance of Catholic Schools Week is a reminder that it’s important for everyone to celebrate faith, unity, and the community that comes with a Catholic education!